How Often Are You Taking A Pulmonary Function Test?
I thought they would be more regular at first. Have asked several times in the last few years and was rebuffed. For me, the real "TEST" has been adhering to the techniques and routines which keep you out of a Hospital. Once your medical record has COPD on it, there really is no "good time" to have another PFT done anyway. It's not your Doc, it's an insurance thing.
be Well
Not much anymore. I flunk them all. I have Bronchiectasis and bad asthma . Last one was in the hospital in 2020.
At first was once a year. After I became stage 3 in 2020, it was every other year. After I became stage 4 in 2022 haven't done it.
Every 6 to 8 months
How Often Should Someone With COPD Have A Pulmonary Function Test?
What Number On The Pulmonary Function Test Give You The Gold Standard?
Pulmonary Function Test