What Number On The Pulmonary Function Test Give You The Gold Standard?
Why does the stage matter to you? Based on your FEV1, you could be Stage 1 or 2, but several exacerbations or an inability to exercise could take you to stage 3. The staging is more for docs to help them figure out a treatment plan that will work for you. I don't really pay any attention to what stage I am according to the numbers; I look a lot more at what I can do and how comfortable I am doing it. That is far more important to me!
The number used in the GOLD report from the spirometry test is the FEV1; however, there are a number of other factors that are taken into consideration in determining the staging, so the FEV1 is not an absolute indication. Here's the link to the 2023 GOLD report that should help you understand the GOLD position better: https://goldcopd.org/2023-gold-report-2/
Very good question! My pulmonologist yold me my lungs are at 70%, i guesd for my age that might not be a bad thing! Sure hope you get a good answer
@A MyCOPDTeam Member You sound just like my Dr. LOL He had me at stage 3 in 2020. He also told me he don't use the standards to asses people by the standards. Each case is their own and each person responds different to treatments.
With the last test he told me little to no change for the past year. To keep up what I am doing and to loose weight.
The stage thing matters to me because I am so close to stage 4 with the numbers I see. I feel I am struggling a little more, although I walk and exercise everyday. I just don't work anymore so I have gained some weight.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member
Ok Jean, complicated. I know about the changes. As well as my Dr docent really go by the numbers but how I am responding to stuff.
On that note my FEV1 is 1.5 L. 71% predicted; FEV1/FVC 30;
Dr told me no relevant change over the past year. Still I wonder what stage?
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