I Want To Talk To My Friend As I’m Walking.
If I’m talking I get very short of breath
Exercise may help you get to a point where you can talk and walk at the same time. Many of us can't, so it's not unusual. You'll need to push yourself pretty hard to make that kind of progress, but it is possible.
It takes time but it can be done. I push myself and today I can do both. Don’t give up😀
I can't do it either. I stop sometimes to talk, otherwise I have to slow down to a turtles pace.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I hope to get to that point some day. I keep trying.
I Was Wondering If Anyone Here Suffers From Depression. I Feel Very Depressed Often And Am Taking A Antidepressant.
I Can’t Walk For Very Long I Wondered If One Of Those Rollator Would Help Me
How Do You All Navigate Around With O2 24/7?