I Can’t Walk For Very Long I Wondered If One Of Those Rollator Would Help Me
It sure helps ME! @A MyCOPDTeam Member. I inherited my mom's when she passed and up until recently just used it to carry stuff around on, but lately when I go for my walks I hang onto one handle of it just to make me feel a little more secure. I highly recommend investing in one. In the house they do need quite a bit of room, so make sure there is room around furniture and things to navigate safely. Good luck to you!
Yes @A MyCOPDTeam Member, that is what they call the newer walkers. They are a lot sturdier than the one I have, but mine still works just fine.
Thanks Myrna Thanks for your information. My Dr.Is sending me to Rehab they say it's the best.
I'M good around the house I need it when I do too much.
I'll keep you updated after my rehab.
Can you get a portable unit for your walks or around the house. They last 4 + hours and will need to recharge But if you are sitting you can plug it into the wall and it will fill the battery back up or the large home concentrator that is constant flow the portables are pluse meaning you have to breath To receive the oxygen. Hoping you feel better soon. Walking is so good for us. Aloha !
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Using A Walker