I Was Wondering If Anyone Here Suffers From Depression. I Feel Very Depressed Often And Am Taking A Antidepressant.
Depression is very typical in people with any kind of a chronic disease and people with COPD are quite likely to have some depression at various times in their COPD experience.
I have been doing much research. I have learned recently that a lot of the depression is from grieving for our old life. Going through the grieving process and giving yourself time to adjust could help.
Valerie3, Yes I have depression and anxiety that has gotten worse sense the COPD it never goes away but the dr can try to make it easier for you. I take Xanax and Zoloft.. You’re gonna laugh but the best medicine I find is to be around people who are goofy and funny, and be around my great grandchildren. Try not to be around people who have problems and have to tell you..that’s a NO NO. And don’t worry about little things.The most important person to worry about is yourself. If you would like someone to talk to day or night send me and e mail. I hope this company shows my e mail..take care be happy and stay safe
The "unknown" is definitely harder to overcome than something known that you can deal with, but with this disease every day is an unknown. I guess every day we have a new challenge to meet and overcome if we can. Those that can and do take on each day with a renews faith or hope can live a long time; it makes us stronger to beat the odds so to speak. I know you can do it @A MyCOPDTeam Member, I have faith in you! Hugs, Chris
May 20, 2024
All my life I have been able to roll with the punches. Pick myself up and keep on going. This particular punch is definitely more difficult to get over but I’ll make it. I always have.
Please Share What Antidepressant You May Be Using For Depression With Emphysema.