Breathless When Transitioning From CPAP To Continuous Oxygen When Waking
The oxygen supplied through the forced air of the CPAP, makes breathing so much easier when sleeping. But I become so breathless when switching to only the continuous oxygen provided by my concentrator. I’m on 4L and have slipped below the 30% = end stage COPD
I’m looking for suggestions, tips or ideas for those first 10 minutes away from the CPAP. I take a breathing tx within that first 30 minutes. I keep a rescue inhaler next to my bed, but I don’t know if that would be my first option on… read more
Hi. I’m on bpap but have same problem. Doctor told me if I feel like you have it’s part of the process. Just move slow and give yourself time to adjust. It’ll be ok😊
Tight Chest
Does Anyone Use The Bipap Or Trilogy Machine At Nite?
What Is The Best Mask For The CPAP Machine?