Tight Chest
Morning all as im still new to this every morning for the last few weeks when I wake up , my chest it's tight and feels like I've smoked 100 ciggy a in the night is this normal cx
@A MyCOPDTeam Member - my bad - when I say Dr I always mean my pulm Dr - not regular - guess I need to clarify that - I just assume (and you know the deal with assuming) when we are talking about our lungs, what other Dr would we go to.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member - I would see my Dr - better safe than sorry.
Thanku all to be honest my GP is rubbish it took him 18 months to diagnose my COPD so il see how it goes I go to pulmary clinic in May il wait till then Thanku all for answering xx
Hi u and yes it is but just incase bell R Doc in may be the start of a chest infection so better 2 be save than sorry get it sorted now then u avent got 2 go on & on with it xx
@A MyCOPDTeam Member this is link to flutter valve http://www.vitalitymedical.com/flutter-valve-mu...
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