Does Anyone Have Any Info On The Puffer Zenhale?
I have been using Zenhale for 2 years now. I really don't see it making a significant change in my breathing. The cost of Zenhale has now risen to $150.00 per puffer which I use 1 per month. It is getting to the point where I will soon not be able to afford it. My doctor says Zenhale is the best product on the market. Does anyone know of a comparable less expensive product?
Brendan, Zenhale is a combination inhaler an has both an inhaled corticosteroid and a Long Acting Beta Agonist (LABA, or bronchodilator). Symbicort, Avair, Breo are all US meds of the same composition. Individual ingredients may be different, but the combination is the same. Since Zenhale is sold in Canada, I think you could try some other meds.
You'll have to talk with your doc, of course, but you might try an anticholinergic like Spirva or Tudorza or a combination of an anticholinergic (LAMA) and a LABA. There are a number available, so talk with your doc.
Go to as a really good place to get good, accurate information on meds.
Live in Irelang, never heard of it!
Nannyg, I think that is terrible, immoral!
A lot of people like myself, can not afford all these expensive drugs, and have to find ways to pay for the meds. I am using my savings for now. I wish I could work.
Sorry but I am shocked! I take Phyllocontin, Montelucast, Spiriva and Relvar everyday. I have Salbutamol in an aerosol inhaler and also use an electric atomiser with liquid Salbutamol. These meds cost me nothing on the UK NHS. I also have an emergency pack with antibiotic and Prednisolone in case a get a lung infection. All this allows me to lead a very active life at 73 years old. If it were not for our Health Service I would have had a very slow and miserable death decades ago. How do sufferers without the means to pay for insurance survive in your country?
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