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.What Is This? ( PLB Technique)

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Alachua, Florida, 32615
March 8, 2016
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

It's a way of breathing that helps with being SOB (short of breath). Part of the reason we get SOB is that we don't exhale long enough ordinarily to get rid of the CO2 that builds up in our lungs when we're active. For those of us with COPD, that buildup is much greater than it is for ordinary folk and we really need to work to blow it off. One of the things you'll figure out if you have COPD is that exhaling is way more important than inhaling.

That said, to PLB, you inhale for a count of two and then purse your lips as if you were going to blow hot soup, and exhale out your mouth for a count of four. Whether you inhale through your mouth or nose really doesn't matter, no matter what people say, but you must exhale through your mouth and use pursed lips. What that does is it builds up a bit of back pressure that allows you to make the exhale longer. Do not exhale so hard you blow the soup out of the spoon, just do it gently.

I find that I PLB most of the time. I encourage you to practice this technique, start doing it before you get going on any sort of exercise or heavy task and it will keep you from getting SOB as quickly. If you simply slow down and PLB, you will find that your breathing will get back to normal faster. It a great technique and really simple.

March 8, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Sylvia,,,,Lots of people in Q+A forget to read the Print on right top side of window, that says VIEW ALL ANSWERS in Yellow Print.... , As New Posters ask the same question or post the same answers as ones before......Luv ya and have a great day Sylvia xxxxxxxx

March 10, 2016 (edited)
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Hot tub okay, as long as u don,t stay in too long, like our hot pools here 15 mins I have to get out, sit on bench or a chair for a few mins, amd have cold glass water beside the tub, drink while in the tub, or on getting out, helps

April 13, 2016
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Me too in a hot shower specially an enclosed one...As the disease progresses the Steam creates Humidity and that can cause SOB issues,,,For others the Raising of Arms or Bending Over restricts the Air Volume in Chest Cavity also contributing to SOB...Using a stool sounds great IF you can fit one in a standard Shower Cubicle......

I take mostly Fragranced Salt Baths where you can relax and soak the entire body with minimum movement...I try not to Towel Dry but use a Bathrobe, till i feel ok to get dressed...

No idea re Hot-Tub description but in a Bedroom Spa it depends once again if the Steam is on or Just Water Pressure....

April 13, 2016 (edited)
A MyCOPDTeam Member

@A MyCOPDTeam Member....Sorry my reply sounded a bit short...just realised ...I sent you a video re PLB

Hugs and stay well xxxxx

March 10, 2016

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