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When Using The Pursed Lip Technique, How Many Accounts To Hold When Inhaling And How Many Counts Exhaling, Please?

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question đź’­
Newark, DE

I do have COPD emphysema, and asthma. Chronic sinusitis does not help my situation lately have a lot of mucus was diagnosed years ago stage 3

December 28, 2024
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Video: Pursed Lip Breathing How-Tos Read Article...
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Hi Sharon. There is a no hard or fast numbers to this process. You will develop a natural rhythm as others have said.
I have gotten way down to a 4-to-15'ish rhythm on a GOOD day. That about three total breath cycles in a minute - almost Yoga Transcendence levels. On a BAD day, I'm still picking myself up off the Floor.
Just don't forget the basics, namely the the exhale should be a bit more forceful and intentional than the inhale. This helps build UP a back pressure which "pops" the ruined cells in our lungs and lets more old air out. Kinda like a new muffler on a (good) Old car! 🏎️ Dozens of YouTube videos explain this better than I can. Just the same, Welcome to the Forum.
be Well. . and well informed.

December 28, 2024 (edited)
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Thank you so much! So glad I join this website🤗

December 28, 2024
A MyCOPDTeam Member

It really improved my life tremendously, @A MyCOPDTeam Member. I hope it helps you, too.

Enjoy your weekend. Saturday, 28-DEC-24

December 28, 2024
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Hi, @A MyCOPDTeam Member:

Sadly, we all have different capacities. The best instruction I heard from my Better Breathers Club is:

1) Make sure you’re sitting down. Make sure your posture is as straight as possible.
2) Inhale, counting the beats. Start easy, maybe 4 beats.
3) Exhale, counting the beats and try and double (8) or triple (12) the beats.

It doesn’t matter when you’re learning how to do this if you can only do 4:4 vs 4:8 or 4:12.

If you can do 6 or 8 beats on your inhale, then the exhale goal would be 12 or 18 on a starting inhale of 6. Ditto if you can do 8, then the exhale goal would be 16 or 24.

I hope this explanation makes sense to help you get started. The goal is to take the easiest largest inhale, and the easiest largest exhale to help clear your lungs.

Once you get the hang of your “natural” pace, you can use it when you’re walking or in stressful breathing situations to help you function better and remain calm. Think of it like a type of meditation. Once you find your rhythm, it gets easier to incorporate with normal activities.

*** Not a doc; this is not medical advice ***

Saturday afternoon, 28-DEC-24

December 28, 2024
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Oh I know that aren't any doctors advice, but it's always good to learn from someone else. You gave me some good information I'm going to try to practice it. I really need to practice it here around my house sitting here that way when I'm in a really stressful situation I can be able to do this and it might help me. Thank you again

December 28, 2024

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