Single Cannula
I know I have heard some talk of a "single cannula". I asked my medical supply about it and googled it.......nothing! Was I dreaming? Does anyone have info?
@ Nikkiburgess Maybe i have the answer for you. i am at 4.5 liters of oxygen and use tanks when go out and they put a connetter on my oxygen tanks that take a double Cannula I use a single Cannula on my concentrater that i hook up to at home when i am active. resting i am at 2 liters...hope this help Nikk.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member single cannula tracheostomy tubes are ideal for patients with special needs and low secretion levels..........long, single cannula tube is used as a guide for inserting outer cannula...
@A MyCOPDTeam Member you are toooo for Pres, anybody could probably do as good as we got!!!! ;-) !!!! Sorry @A MyCOPDTeam Member @A MyCOPDTeam Member sorry you ins does not pay, but then again, I pay plenty for mine and it keeps going up!!!
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I bought one and they work fine. You also don't feel that you are being choked all the time. a little pricey.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member has correct info,
CaJunBuckeye they are 29.95. I am going to order one thru oxy-tech. If you google that they show a video about it. What I like about it, you don't have anything around your neck!! Sometimes I feel like it is chocking me!!
Trouble Keeping Cannula In Nose When Sleeping
How Do You Stop Getting Bruises On Face And Neck From The Canula While You Are Sleeping
Does Anyone Have An Online Medical Supply To Recommend That Doesn't Charge Expensive Shipping For Small Purchases Like Cannulas?