Does Anyone Have An Online Medical Supply To Recommend That Doesn't Charge Expensive Shipping For Small Purchases Like Cannulas?
Direct Home Medical is an online company I use frequently. Reasonable prices, no shipping fees, and prompt delivery
Walmart has reasonably priced cannulas. Shipping charges are only if order is under $30.00. I get my purchase usually within a day or two.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I have also used Amazon. $7.50 for 5 canulas. I had no issues with them. I bought 10 last year just to have a supply for an emergency
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I use Amazon. They are very reasonable of prices for cannula and hoses. I get like 5 in a package for $6-$7,I get it in about 2 days after I order. They have everything I was getting from the Medical supply company. I change my cannula once a week so I sometimes run out of the ones I get from med supply office. Hope this will help you ❤️
Thanks @A MyCOPDTeam Member I can get them free but I don't like them so at $1 or $2 dollars each I don't mind buying them, just don't want to pay $7.99 shipping on $5 of cannulas. There are a few I want to try that I can't get on Amazon, so that's why I asked about a medical supply with low or no shipping. 😀
Learning Which Size Of Nasal Cannula To Use
Oxyggen Tubing.....