How Do You Stop Getting Bruises On Face And Neck From The Canula While You Are Sleeping
I know what you mean. I have a 50’ tube attached so I can get from chair to kitchen or chair to bathroom. I typically hold the tube and roll it like you do a hose pipe as I walk. I can tell quickly if the tubing is caught. My worry is my husband . He has Parkinson’s and shuffles as he walks. So far neither of us as fallen yet.
I don't worry about bruising from the canula when sleeping but I do worry about the bruises I can get if I get tripped up by the canula and fall!! This has happened to me a few times lately when the canula is caught in the wheels of the machine or the rotators and I get hung. I don't like the canulas and have to try to extend them.
Hi Janice. Actually, sleeping on one's stomach (prone position) is not a bad idea if you are comfortable as well. IT is used in the hospital setting when one is having great difficulty breathing - like recovering from a severe respiratory infection. The majority weight of the lungs is relieved and makes it easier to breathe that way. 🤔
Another idea is to bring the cannula strait over the top of the head from the back - loosely over the ear -where the "lasso" now rests at the nape of the neck instead of under the chin.
There is also a cannula hose covering you can purchase - think "miniature pool noodle" made out of a soft spongy material. Some moleskin padding (for foot bunions) could do in a pinch too.
Have a read in this article and chat with your Doc about next steps:
be Well.
Thank you for your response. I have asked my supplier for help but they had no idea. I will try putting it over the back of my head and will read the article. Thank
Hi @A MyCOPDTeam Member. Personnaly, I've never heard of a bruising caused by canula; nevertheless medical litterature has report 1 case of oxygen nasal cannula sensitivity (the composition of the canula (plastic?) has provoke an allergic dermatitis. ps. Maybe the best is to ask advise/information to your General Practioner? Hugs🌺
Does Anyone Else Just Has To Barely Hit Theirselves, Especially On Hands And Arms And Make Red Places, It Doesn't Take A Lot.
Trouble Keeping Cannula In Nose When Sleeping