Has Anyone Developed Heart Issues From Your COPD?
I have been through all possible test with my pulmonologist and he recommended a cardiologist to see if it is a heart issue. After a battery of test found right side of heart enlarged and problems with blood flow to the lungs. Since I can't do the stress tests I am scheduled for a pulmonary catheterization. Just wondering if any one has dealt with this before?
@A MyCOPDTeam Member, long before I was DXed with COPD, the doctor said I needed the heart cath. I don't remember if I was sedated or not, it was so long ago, but I was very surprised that I tolerated it well. They inserted the tube up my groin and I stayed awake and alert while they poked around my heart. I watched the whole thing on a monitor and was so amazed that I could watch my own heart pumping, I couldn't shut up. There was no pain, just this feeling of peace at the workings of the human body.
Okay, I get a little over the top when I talk about the experience, but I do want you to know there can be a good side to all this. All the best to you.❤️
Yes, Mike, I'm dealing with increase heart rate nd BP. So now I'm being treated by Cardiologist, maximum dose of Metopolol Tartrate BP med and Entresto. Wanted to add more, i said no. All of which is from prolonged use of inhalers nd some steroids. I'm an old veteran so I get alot of treatment local VA, since 2007, stopped working in 2011 nd Lung Cancer treatment in 2014. God's Blessings
Thank you all for your replies. They really helped put me at comfort to go through the procedure. The catheterization discovered a blockage in the center artery. Broke it up and put a stent in. Post more in an update post...
@A MyCOPDTeam Member Most of us with COPD have Heart issues, only for the fact our Hearts have had to work Overtime for years to keep up for the lack of o2 in our system. All of our organs suffer from low o2 levels. My Cardiologist said most of us who have had copd years before we find out we have it, have already damaged the Heart, some worse than others.
I was diagnosed with emphysema in 2019, but my pulmonologist said I had it for a long time.. About 3 years after I was diagnosed with emphysema, I had a heart attack and the cardiologist put in 3 stents. I don’t know if not wearing my oxygen had something to do with my heart condition or if it was completely random.
The Lord has blessed me with 79 years and God willing I will reach my 80th birthday next August!!! Sheila Kimle
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