Anybody On Symbicort Have Swelling In Ankles And Feet
COPD can cause swelling in the legs and feet. It's not the Symbicort; it's the COPD or one of many other causes, some of the heart-related. Talk with your doc to see if it's something you should be treated for or if you can control it with diet and exercise.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member Malone. Symbicort is not a steroid; it does contain one, but it is a combination of a LABA and a steroid. Just sayin'.......
I've been on Symbicort for several years and developed swelling after the second year on it, My doctors said it was because of my very low blood pressure and the Afib caused the backup and the amount fluid that I drank daily. So my heart doctor put me on Furosemide 20mg three times a week and it has helped tremendously removing excess fluid.
Yes I have but I thought it was due to lymphedema in my legs
@A MyCOPDTeam Member Langlois, flying is something I wouldn't do now. Dr. Fauci has said he wouldn't fly now. Most of the docs I know aren't flying. You have COPD, which puts you at greater risk of first getting the disease and secondly, developing nasty complications if you do get it. I suspect I might get on a plane if it were a life or death situation, but if not, I'd stay home.
Also, if BC Stands for British Columbia they won't let you in unless you're a family member of a citizen or considered essential. Getting back to the US will also be difficult.
I am not on symbicourt, so I cant speak to that. But I do have arthritis and have noticed lately that if I'm on my feet too much, my feet and ankles tend to swell a bit. My PCP told me to elevate feet above my heart (yea, right). I do sit in my recliner and put my feet up. He said as long as the swelling goes down, it's the arthritis. But talk to your doctor, make sure they are aware of the issue. Could just be arthritis, could be something a bit more serious.
Has Anyone Experience Swelling In The Ankles And Feet?
Has Anyone Here Had Bariatric Surgery?
I've Read About An Ankle Swelling When One Has Copd. I Wonder Why???