Does Anyone Have Issues With Itchy, Flakey Scalp? It May Be Just A Guy Thing, Not Sure. I Have Been Dealing With This For A Couple Years.
I have tried Shampoos for Eczema, Psoriasis, And Dandruff and nothing has worked. After washing my hair the Scalp would hurt/burn and itch, Also while combing. And as it dried the burning and Flaking would start, Nothing worked. I had found that due to our low oxygen levels that the Scalp (SKIN) is affected by lack of Oxygen and dries out
. I have Spent Hundreds of $$ on Special Shampoos. Yesterday I looked on the web to see what other options were available, And I found Raw Organic Honey. So… read more
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I agree with the theory about not scratching an itchy spot--regardless of where it is, but some conditions make that darn near impossible NOT to scratch. I have dermatitis on my scalp and have had bouts of eczema in the past and I found it impossible not to scratch. The Dermatologist prescribed a special shampoo for me and that worked for a while, but then I had some surgery and that doctor told me not to use it anymore. I found a shampoo and conditioner that helps just as well as that special shampoo did, but it's still hard not to scratch. I think part of that urge is automatic too; I've been so used to scratching that I do it without thinking sometimes. My hair is painfully thin too @A MyCOPDTeam Member 🙃. I hope you both have a fantastic Friday! Chris
June 21, 2024
Not sure either - does not seem very logic... Will do "research" 😊
@A MyCOPDTeam Member (regarding inflammation of COPD going on through space and time continuum)... well well, searching in the med litterature... = the scientist are not understanding it yet... "Perhaps the most potentially useful area to target is to identify the specific factors that drive inflammation in COPD after smoking cessation."
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I have been on Omeprazole for years, Hmmm
I have always gotten dandruff in late winter. I just used head & shoulders and always took care of it. Well this year not so much and in march even dry flaky skin on my forehead and sides of my face. Thought it much be Psoriasis so went to the Dr. turn out to be dry skin and he prescribed a cream I had to put on a couple times a day. It took more than a month for it to go away. But in part think the prednisone prescription I was on made it go away.
I find it interesting that our low oxygen can cause it. makes sense to me. I know you said raw organic honey. But I also know it is best to get local honey [if you have bees in Hawaii] and make sure it is not homogenized.
Thanks for the info. Going to try it as I am drying out and starting to peal again.
Does COPD Cause Or Worsen Itchy Scalp And Slin?
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