Cannulas For Portable 02 Concentrators
Hi it's me again and I need to find cannulas that have heavy tubing attached because the thinner tubing can get crushed on my portable 02 concentrator. I used to get some from Medline but I can't remember what they were. I don't mind if the cannula tubing isn't soft, I need heavy tubing where it leaves the cannula so it doesn't get bent over and stop the flow of 02.
I get mine from Amazon as well. Just do a search and I’m sure you’ll find just what you need 💙
@A MyCOPDTeam Member ,
I looked up on Amazon for your adult crush resistant cannula tubing . I got these that say crush resistant on the Res one store . They sell 5 pack for $8.88 . Here's a photo of them for you . I hope this helps you .
I just Google cannulas. Mostly buy from Walmart. But Google will show most suppliers and cannulas.
I was having the same problem...I got another there are 2 ends on there. Not sure what they call them...swivel connector I end goes in to the concentrator and the other into your cannula instead of your cannula going directly into the concentrator. You can get them on Amazon.
Thanks for all your replies I will see if I can find some or another that is crush resistant.
Portable Concentrator
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