How Bad Is Sleeping With Oxygen At Night
Sleeping with 02 is probably the easiest thing you can do. It simply requires that you have a hose that is long enough to reach the bed. Some people have trouble losing the cannula and use tape to help keep it in place; others have no difficulty at all. I've been sleeping with 02 for over 10 years.
Oxygen will make you feel better and sleep better. Sometimes I really look forward to climbing into bed and breathing that oxygen. If I get tired in the afternoon I may go lay down for and fire up the concentrator and rest with my oxygen on. At night- sometimes - the cannula drives me crazy and I pull it off for a while, especially if I have run out of soft cannulas and am using a hard one. It helps to get SOFT cannulas. Ask your oxygen provider for soft cannulas - and some are MUCH softer than others. If you find a cannula you like write down the order number from the package so you can reorder the right ones. I have trouble sleeping with a cannula that is hard. The soft ones you don't feel nearly as much. Once you get used to it you will appreciate it. I also don't mind the noise of the machine, but my concentrator is quiet running and soothing sounding. I have a Phillips Everflo, (they are a blue color) and so does my husband. We have two running at night. It is my second Everflo and I love it. My oxygen provider brought me a different brand when they replaced my first one and it was loud and harsh - sounded like a motorcycle starting up. I called them the next morning to come pick it up and asked for another Everflo, which they brought out the next day. All concentrators are NOT loud, so ask for a quiet running one.
Lol Bad? Really it is good for you and you will feel better in the morning when you wake up.
But, I had some difficulty getting used to it when I first started.
I use a nose cannula and a large in home concentrator. The machine was too loud and noisy, as well as mad the bedroom warmer. So it had to go, I put it in the spare bedroom across the hall. Now I am a roller, toss and turn through the night. I can not tell you how many times I had been tied up with my own air hose. Ha ha, you would think it is funny but try to get untangled when you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Then there is the gust and grandkids that are not used to the hose across the hallway floor. They snag it or trip on it, then you get your head or ears yanked real had. So there are some draw backs. But for the most part it is good for me and I have learned to adjust.
I’ve been sleeping with O2 at bedtime for a long time and have had no issues except for the occasional issue of the cannula falling out!
It's not to bad. I did start having trouble with my left side of my sinus. It gets stuffy all the time now
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