Has Anyone Used Denrobium & Mullein Extract? If So Does It Benefit Or Not?
Normally, I use the tea bags. I also make green tea with an Rishi eqlizir called Tumeric/ginger/chai on top, squeeze a lemon and honey after the green tea is warmed up in the microwave every night,
There are many so-called cures for COPD on the internet but I know there is no cure just medicines to help you cope and make you feel better what works for me may not work for someone else
it's an anti-oxidant and some people believe that has benefits to people with COPD; others not so much. If it works for you, great!
I started using mullein extract produced lots of phlegm was coughing it up all day don’t know if it helped but it was annoying to be constantly spitting
I started on Mullein liquid leaf and extracts for under tongue. Been over a month now. Still impossible to tell if it alone ontributed to my almost miraculous COPD end stage turn around.
Somebody Sent Me A Link About A Herbal Remedy Called Dendrobium And Mullein Extract.
Has Anyone Tried Dendroblum & Mullein Extract Herbal Drops
Any One Using Doctors Best Fisetin For Mucus?