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Any One Using Doctors Best Fisetin For Mucus?

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
10 mile West Pottsborro, Texas

Have been using Fisetin more than a month with good results. Opened new bottle and it does not work like expected.
Amazon is out of stock and so is Doctors
Any other Suggestions for Mucus?

May 13, 2022
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

Swanson makes the same as Doctors Best. It is called "Novusetin" which is what is recommenced by researcher at Salk Institute "because she knows the source" is good. Also you might find is cheaper than Doctors Best

April 19, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I have a pk.Dried Mullen it came no instructions it is Horrible to look at I put some in a mug boiling water .had to take leaves or whatever out first then drank it uhhh. i have bought mullen online a small bottle take2 drops that is nice but goes to quick and did not really feel any better maybe thats just me but i do think drinking . lime +sliced ginger a lift.x

June 10, 2022
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Mucinex twice a day works good for me. Told me to use exportant, not dm.

May 15, 2022
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Fisetin is still the best I have found to help stop the phlegm I get almost immediately after eating something (eat, and sometimes drink almost anything causes phlegm). I get no noticeable side effects from Fisetin. I still use Swanson brand (Novusetin).100 mg immediately AFTER I eat a meal. Mucinex and other remedies may also help, but I find Fisetin works better for me. I still don't know if it is working through my electrical system, like the Vagus nerve because of its antioxidant action, or through its microbio blood system because of its anti-inflammatory action. In either case it appears to affect NFkappaB which is going after TNFalpha and IL-6 or 8 according to several studies around the world. For me it usually takes effect in only a few minutes after I take the pill and my coughing up phlegm is greatly reduced. I would like to hear about your experiences if you try it.

February 15

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