Hi Team Natural Treatment For Copd,please . Kish Tura
The most natural treatment for COPD is exercise, followed closely by diet, weight control, healthy eating habits, sufficient hydration and plenty of sleep. Those are all things we control and are all natural.
Hi Victoria3,
Just the other day I had sore throat and then chest infection and would you believe it I took extra effort to hold my breath for 5 seconds every 30 seconds or so.I also hummed whilst walking the dog.
Humming increases nitric oxide and i got better in 3 days. No antibiotics,no steroids and no other copd medication. This I think is all because I practice Buteyko breathing.
I also taped my lips at night so that I could not breathe through my mouth.
I also do belly breathing and all this is resistance against chest infection and that called building up your immune system.
Belly breathing massages the abdomen which speed up the lymphatic symptoms.
Your are smart lady ,keep up the humming and live long.
May the force be with always.
Thanks for responding.
Kish Tura
I have Bronciectasis, another lung disease. Breathing through my nose helps a lot. I didn’t know that it build up the immune system and help with chest infections. I’ve heard singing helps with bronchiectasis. Sometimes that’s a little hard for me ,so I do humming. That gets the vibrations going. I like to drink breathe easy herbal tea. Also 🌺 hibiscus tea is helpful daily.
Hi Jean ,
Will you Google BBC Pamorama on Buteyko Breathing.I think it was aired in 1978 or there about .I hope you doing well.
Kish Tura
Hi All,
There is no magic formula for Copd,but the better one is Buteyko breathing and its most natural and drug free.
Like every thing else there is some body worse and better than you and same with knowledge there is some one more knowledgeable then you and so on.
Research it ,understand it and do it.
Like all medication soon or later you will need more or less but it’s not long term treatment,all medications will stop working,it’s like antibiotics the more you use it less effective it gets.
But with Buteyko Breathing you build up your immune system gradually and the best way to beat chest infection naturally is the way you breathe.Build up your co2 level so that that the tiny tube in your lungs are wide open for the phlegm to cough up easily.
This obviously depends on what stage is your copd.If you on nasal O2 , then it’s different story.
Give it a go ,it may save your life,
Kish Tura
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