What Is A Nebulizer, How Do You Use It And What Does It Do For You?
A nebulizer is simply a small air pump Hooked to a mouth piece that diffuses the solution into a mist as you breathe it in. Most people are using just an albuterol solution, but there are many other products available Instead of expensive inhalers. If you are on medicare and have a good part G supplement all the meds are covered as part of the durable med with a nebulizer. Talk to your doctor.
All I use is a nebulizer twice a day. Have bronchial dialator med and a steroid that i take back to back. You have to keep it clean. I soak the parts in warm water and dawn. You can use a face mask or mouth piece. I prefer the mouth piece. Just put your med in a small container and hook it to machine (small air compressor) and breathe in the mist as you usually breathe. Your Dr. would need to prescribe it for you and medicare pays monthly rental for 13 months and then you own the machine. They deliver your meds better than an inhaler.
Thank you all for this information. You are so supportive. Bless you. This is a great Team!😍
A nebulizer is a machine that produces pressurized air that can make a liquid a mist so that it can be inhaled. There are a number of medicines for COPD that come in a nebulized version, the most popular and the one most people use is albuterol, but there are a number of other meds that can be nebulized. There are different types of nebulizers and some medications require a specific type of nebulizer for success.
Nebulized meds are often prescribed for children who can't manage an inhaler and for adults who don't have the inspiratory muscle to inhale strongly enough for the med to get where it should go. Nebulized albuterol is often prescribed because the nebulized med has a better chance of getting deep in the lungs and helping to expel mucus that collects. That's why people who have pneumonia are often prescribed a nebulized med, even if they don't use one regularly.
I use a nebulizer 5 times a day. I couldn't get along without. The medicated mist really helps for a while.
What Is A Nebulizer?
Rescue Inhalers
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