Home Rehabilitation Network
The above Rehab Network's programs looks interesting and promises results. Appreciate if those who have taken part in their programs could provide a review or just comment on your experience with them. Thanks
Thanks Jean. Much appreciated
Virtual PR has been available for quite a while through CMS and many people have been doing it through their own PR programs remotely. This program may work well, as many others do. However, the person who has to make it work is the person with COPD; so don't bother unless you're willing to make a commitment. Also, please note that they do both cardio and pulmonary. That can cause some problems for us because they sometimes put way too much emphasis on heart rate and not nearly enough on O2 saturation levels. Unless you have cardiac issues, too, and some of us do, heart rates should be expected to go up and can go up safely quite a lot when you first start rehab. If you're concerned talk with your pulmonologist.
What To Expect From Pulmonary Rehabilitation / What Is (has Been) Your Experience With It?
Reviews Of Home Rehab Network
Why Do They Put The Pulmonary Rehabilitation In An Area So Difficult For A COPD Patient To Get To? Very Frustrating.