Endobronchial Valves For Severe Emphysema Now FDA Approved.?
Valves, vents, coils, steam and glue have all been used to try to create the same result in a non-invasive way at Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS). These trials have been going on for the last 15-20 years. Basically what they do is using a bronchoscope technique they place the devices in the lungs in such a way that trapped air is released and the area is closed, allowing better functioning areas of the lungs to take over. You can find out about LVRS here:https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/science/national-emph...
At this point I haven't not been evaluated for the procedure
The first ones (Zephyr) were approved in July of 2018. The Spiratin vales were approved about 8 months later. Both are being used in the US now, mostly in the centers that participated in the clinical trials.
What is this about, all this is new to me! Are you going to uses any of them?
Does Anyone Know Someone On Here From The States That Has Had Valves Put In There Lungs? Called Liberate
Zephyr Endobronchial Valve
Zephyr Valve