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Zephyr Valve

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Moss Point, MS

Any had this done

January 20, 2019
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

A whole batch of different valves, vents, coils and steam and glue were explored from about 2003 to the present time in the US. I tested for two of the trials at the U of Iowa; once in 2005 and once in 2010. I wasn't accepted for either trial, both times because the damage in my lungs was too evenly spread out to meet the criteria of way more damage to the upper lobes than the lower ones. All of these devices or techniques were designed to be a non-invasive (meaning they didn't cut you) version of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery. LVRS basically removed the upper lobes, leaving the lower lobes to rise in the chest cavity and provide less damaged tissue to perform the work of the lungs.

None of these variations got through the FDA in the US until just last year, when the Zephyr valves and then the Emphasiys valves were both approved by the FDA for use in the United States. Prior to that time, however, a number of the valves/vents/coils were approved to use in the UK, Europa, Austratia and New Zealand, so they've been part of the treatment options available for COPD patients there. One of the advantages we have with both the Zephyr and Emphasis valves is that we will have the advantage of everything they learned, especially in Europe over the last 15 years, as well as some additional techniques and methods of placement that have improved outcomes significantly.

January 21, 2019
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Most of the people who have had the Zephyr valves places were part of the clinical trials, although I understand that both Temple and UPMC are doing them now. They have been used in Europe for at least 10 years, and we're reaping the benefits of what they learned. They are now very good at determining who is a good candidate and who's not so the rates of success are high, even after several years.

January 20, 2019
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I have completed preliminary screening for Zephyr valves at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. They consisted of Thoracic Echo Cardiogram, High Resolution Cat Scan per Bronchoscopic Lung Reduction procedure, and Pulmonary Function Tests w/6-minute walk test. Tuesday morning I have a Video conference with the surgeon to find out if I qualify.

January 22, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

google Pulmonx to get latest list of hospitals doing Zephyr valves.

January 28, 2019
A MyCOPDTeam Member

@A MyCOPDTeam Member hi have you had any info on the type of numbing the nerves of airways with a lazer type of proceedure.I read they have been doing this in europe and have had sucess with some patients,eliminating use of some puffers.

January 22, 2019

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