Has Anyone Started To Retain Water? Is That Part Of Copd?
I have just been released from the hospital a few days ago. Yesterday I noticed my left foot and ankle were swollen? Is this another part of having copd and emphazema?
Yes this is a part of cops and emphazema. My left foot and leg is always swollen and I take water pills for that and potassium
@djedms I would call my dr. As could be several things when miy ankle and foot swollen I ended up in the hospital also couldn’t breath. It could be your heart and yes all these things seem to go with it, I wouldn’t wait to see your dr it’s very important to let them know these things. I hope this helps and have a blessed day..♥️♥️
You probably will be put on a water pill which will make you pee a lot, i take 1 pill every other day along with 10mq of potassium, i try to take it in the afternoon so i 'am not running errands or stuff during the 4-6 hour period where i have to pee a lot.
Good luck :)
I too have have swelling in my left ankle and have to take a water pill and have to watch my swelling closely.
Dr will assess because there are. many reasons ,
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