When You Think About Having COPD Does It Scare You?
No, it is what it is, and many more things happening in the world that scare me more. One just has to watch the news . So no, just take one day at a time, and find things to be grateful for/
Besides Faith drives away fear.and leaves one feeling loved.
Yes I'm scared. I just got out of the hospital for an exasperation flare up. What caused it ? I am living with 23% lung capacity and according to the doctors and their computers I have a life expectancy of 4 years. Yes I am scared, but I'm not letting being scared run my life . Instead I'm doing all that I can to live my life to the fullest. I have put my life into God's hands. The one good thing that happened while in the hospital was that both of my sons were there and got a up front look at this copd and talking to my lung doctor. They both have a better understanding now.
So live your life, put your life in the hands of the lord, learn all you can about keeping healthy and active. And be Happy for each new day.
Hi Helen,
We can't do the things we used to do, but we can work our way back to a pretty close semblance of how we were before COPD got a grip on us. When I sit in the house too long, even if I'm moving around, my breathing gets worse. However, if I work out, with weights especially, while I'm in the house, if it's just way too cold to walk outside, My breathing gets better. And being outside, even on a cold day, is breathing fresh air, free from indoor pollutants. No matter how clean your house is, there are still respiratory irritants lurking. I've eliminated all chemical cleaners, even laundry detergent and softener. All this helps. We need to build our muscles so they can carry what ever amount of oxygen we have throughout our bodies. Eliminate sugar, processed foods, lots of salt, fast foods, they all contain inflammatory substances. Eat good oils like avocados, olive oil, real butter, lots of deep green salads, 1 tsp of Apple cider vinegar in a small glass of water before every meal, probiotics to keep your gut healthy. It takes a lot of planning and work, but in the end it's all worth it. I'm not 100% yet, and might never be, but I'm better than when I was first diagnosed. I suffered a set back the last month because I caught a respiratory infection from my grandsons and it kicked my butt, let me tell you! I ran a fever on and off that whole month. But, my friends have been praying for me and I'm finally feeling my lungs starting to clear. Don't discount the power of prayer. God does heal! Many blessings on you and everyone on this site. This is a tough road, but the Great Physician is in the house, and we need to trust Him fully to take care of us!
I am not afraid of dying I just do not want to be gasping like a fish out of water when my time comes !
@A MyCOPDTeam Member please do not allow your daughter to belittle you, I understand she may have hurt feelings but the world does not solely revolve around her alone! She could well learn to be a tad understanding ! Best wishes Brother !
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