What Can We Do To Keep Teammates Interested In The COPD Site And It Goals?
Amend the group information to let newbies know how to use the site. Apoint one of the admin team to give them a brief tour and how to use the site
I think maybe a live chat feed would be good, Also a laughter button ,
I wouldn't change anything Brother, it's a wonderfull site, I love coming on here, I get good advise, I feel I belong, everyone is so helpfull and encouraging, and of course the humour lol 🤣xxx
I have just received two more posts where people are having trouble getting around the site. I cant help them because of being on a phone. I think that maybe as you welcome them to the group add a fast course on how to add people extra. What do you think?
Thats a great Idea Sharona. If we all kept contacting each other those that are disbondant may start using the sits again
How Can You Tell What Stage COPD You Are In? Cannot Afford To See A Pulmonary Doctor.
Somebody Have Good Advise Against Fatigue ?
What Not To Say To Someone With COPD?