Predisone ...Friend Or Foe??
Both......., absolutely your worst enemy and can and does destroy immune systems and lives. judg69
I was on heavy doses of Predisone for months after my transplant. Since I am doing very well, I can't say it was a bad thing. I will say however that heavy use of steroids weakens your bones. As a result, I suffered several compression fractures in my back. After several treatments, my back issues have pretty much subsided. If you are on a regular regiment of Predisone, be sure to take some type of Calcium supplement. Eat 3 or 4 Tums per day.
you can do it just take it slow and steady no marathons yet
I was on heavy Predisone after my transplant. Heavy use weakens your bones among other things. I ended up with several compression fractures in my back. Painful, had them treated and all is well now.
Both, absolutely your best friend, and can and does save lives,
Went To Pulmonologist And Got Results Of Petscan. Inconclusive. COPD Is So Bad A Biopsy Is Risky. Sent Home To Think About. Advice?
I Have Not Heard Many People Ask By The Weather Has Anything To Do With COPD. It Might Seem That Cold Windy Wet Weather Is Not Our Friend.
Any One Have Good Results Using A Nebulizer? My Left Lobe In That Lung Has Collapsed. Dr Is Hoping This Will Revive The Lung Area ?