Does COPD Cause Chest Pains That Feel Like A Heart Attack?
Haven hAh
I have gastroesophageal spasms. The pain is very similar to a heart attack. Feels like muscles cramp around abdomen, chest, up esophagus, into throat, jaws, and ears. Sometimes it starts in my throat and jaw and sometimes in my chest. My heart doctor says my heart is fine, but you should have it checked out. Both my primary and Cardiologist recommended taking nitroglycerin for these attacks. I found it interesting that both of them knew what I was talking about and knew that the nitro would help. With the COPD and infections, this is worse and lasts longer, the pain more intense. I assume from the aggravation of the coughing. Hope this helps. It is awful to experience something no one ever heard of. Makes you think you're nutz!
I have had the same problem, thought I was having a heart attack, I was sent to the emergency room, I did take nitro when it happened and then chewed about 8 baby aspirin. I was sent to a different hospital and next day they did a stress test, med. induce. I told my brother about my attack and he said he has the same attack all the time. He told me if it happens again to twist my entire body until the spasm lets up, this does work and I never had to call 911 again, it does feel just like you are having a heart attack and it is very scary. I get a lot of muscle spasms with my COPD, mostly in my feet and neck area, my doc told me my muscles are not getting enough oxygen to them and my iron count is very low and this makes it worse. I hope this helps, but if it does not relieve your symptoms always call 911.
No. There can certainly be intercostal muscle pain, often caused by coughing and there is pain associated with the pleural cavity when it's inflamed and the lungs rub against it. COPD doesn't cause pain by itself. If you're having chest pains, get it checked out; it certainly could be your heart. Having COPD doesn't immunize you against anything else.
Thanks that does sound somewhat but it usually starts in upper chest and then my ears shoulder and neck ache. The main pain is in the chest and hurts so bad then eases off and then hurts real bad again. I told rhe doctor it felt like gas in my chest.
I feel the same way after an attack as well. Hugs
Does Anyone Else Experience Chest Pains In Connection With COPD?
Does Copd Cause Chest Pain