What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About COPD?
I personally would recommend to quit smoking. Try and get as much exercise as possible and stay as active as your condition will allow. Take your meds as prescribed by a pulmonist or whichever Dr. You are seeing. Lastly, don't put a lot of stock in what some people are using as alternative treatments because what works for some may not benefit you. We are all different.
The best advice I can give is to know what your triggers are and stay away from them...smoke,dust and loud perfumes are things I try and stay from..
Hey Donna, I quit smoking years before my lung cancer but it wasn't soon enough, I lost half my left lung to it. Then 2 years later I had the diagnosis of COPD emphysema all caused from my smoking. Now I'm on oxygen 24/7. I so wish I had quit smoking much earlier.
Do what works for you I'm just letting you know it didn't work for me. Bye for now be well
Im 75 and I have severe level 3 copd diagnosed 10 years ago .. my best advice would be to do as many types of breathing exercise as you can . I'm always " exercising" my lungs this way and people around me dont even notice..I'm very interested in staying alive..by any means necessary except surgical and transplant tech ..theres good advice available here . Thanks everyone!!
Quitting smoking , & that includes vaping , is the best thing one can do to slow the progress of COPD.
I chew nico gum .
I suggested to my GP ( a chronic disease specialist) that I should perhaps quit chewing nico gum.
He asked " Why ? "
I replied that nicotine is toxic.
My GP replied saying nicotine is a relatively mild toxin and that if chewing the gum was enough to stop me toasting my lungs by smoking or vaping then chew on , it's toasting your lungs that kills you not nicotine toxins.
Meanwhile , may 2025 be good to all MyCOPDTEAM members
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