Is There A Way To Learn How To Breathe Through Your Nose While Sleeping Instead Of Your Mouth
When your awake in the day hold your tounge to the roof of your mouth and close, you will automatically start breathing through your nose xx
I have obstructive sleep apnea, was doing the chin strap for awhile, I continued to train breathing with my mouth closed at all times. Putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
Hi y-not thank you I will look in to getting one of those…
Connie 8.3.24
I have OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnoea) in addition to COPD.
I was supplied with a strap to help keep my mouth closed - it works quite well.
I will do that Jenny maybe in time it will come automatically
Thanks Connie 8.11.24
Panic Breathing
Does It Matter If You Breathe In Through Your Mouth Instead Of Your Nose When Exercising?
Does Anybody Else Have A Problem With Periods Of Not Being Able To Draw A Breath In.