Has Anyone Tried Using Cbd Gumies To Help Dealing With Copd In Some Way?
Denny decided to try them in a very low dose, 20 mg. He's dealing with severe vision loss and a great deal of pain - my brave hero! Max he's used is one in am and one at bedtime. The brand is Hemp-Bridge. I saw ads on tv for Harrelson's Own, again a low dose, 25 mg. I ordered a bottle and the directions recommend 1 - 2/day. They have a coating on them, sort of fuzzy. How do they help me?? Appetite - finally something that "allows" me to eat without my stupid "cry" thing kicking in which… read more
I’ve used C.V. Sciences Plus CBD, for several years ,and their gummy too. Helps me with sleep and some pain, and my anxiety.
I’m happy to answer any of your questions
My experience, and this is only what happened to me, I took the CBDs and nothing, notta, but took the THC edibles, (legal here in Canada), and I sleep like baby every night.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member - "God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain. But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way." He also gave many the ability to develop things that help others. And in my case, an injury to my nose makes nose breathing a challenge at times. And severe scoliosis can be extremely painful - lidocaine truly does help below the skin. The Lord is with us in many, many ways and I'm thankful.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I have never tried them but they might make someone less worried about having COPD and it's limits, and maybe less anxiety?
I have just started a new SRI and it's too soon to be helping, but completely off the last one I woke up this morning feeling giddy and happy for no reason. If I had gotten out of bed right then that would have been the start to my day! Instead I lay there and the negative self-talk started, as usual. If it happens again I am going to jump out of bed and head to the kitchen! I'm still doing better than I was even a few weeks ago.
Is this what you are talking about
Has Anyone Tried CBD Gummies For Your COPD?
Doctor Oz Says He Can Fix COPD With CBD Gummies,, Has Anyone Tryed Them To See If They Do As He Says.
Is Vaping With CBD Oil A Good Treatment For COPD ???? Has Anyone Used This Treatment For COPD ????