Can You Over Medicate? I Use My Nebulizer With The Two Part Liquid Medicine First Thing In The Morning & Afternoon & Symbicort Prior To Goi
To bed, my question is is it ok to use my nebulizer midday as well ?
I am on a nebulizer 4 times daily. Every 6 hours. I have an Albuterol rescue inhaler to use for flare-ups. But you should ask your doctor. Hopefully you get the answer you need!š
Do as the doctor ordered
Check the prescription. Usually that will tell you up to 4X a day, or something similar. If you go over that, you're technically over-medicating. Using that much albuterol every day would send some people into tachycardia, so know your limitations.
I'm glad you have a pulmonologist who will work with your local PCP. That always helps!
Hi Jean, Thanks for your advice, there is no pulmonologist were I live in the Bahamas but a few local doctors. My pulmonologist that is in Nassau said it was ok to use my nebulizer three times per day which Iām doing. The doctors where I live are not professionals in COPD. Trust you are doing well, breathing easy & my God bless
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My Copd
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