My Copd
Hello everyone, I have copd and I need help to understand this more. I see a pumanary dr. and reg. dr. I use a nebalizer and i use oxygen also inhaler. But my insurance dont seem to want to cover the inhaler my dr. wants to give me. And I cough a lot and my feet swell up and I get shakey. I take med. for swelling in my feet, and med for panic attacks. Also med. because my pulse runs high. I was in the hospital 4 times this year. I last time was 3 months ago and I was on a breathing tube for 2… read more
@A MyCOPDTeam Member. I don't know if anyone mentioned this....your doctor's office can write a letter to your insurance company and explain that you need the medicine because it's what works for you whereas other medicines don't work. Then a lot of the time the insurance company will cover it.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I contacted the manufacturer for my nebulizer and my Symbicort. You have to provide them with certain documentation but the outcome for me which is based on income and they got my payments down to $25 each per month. I did see a commercial where the manufacturer had a program that if you qualify you could get Symbicort free for a year. I know that Symbicort cost either $700 or $900 a month so that was a HUGE savings. Also ask the nurse AND dr if they have any samples. I heard somewhere that they were going to quit giving Drs samples but I don't know if that's really true or not. I hope this helps someone.
You need to see your doc and get a good explanation of what your diagnosis is and what your medications are supposed to do. You need to tell him that your meds make you shaky and ask if there's something else he could prescribe. Tell him about your problems with affording the meds and your insurance company. He can help with all those things. Get a prescription for a Pulmonary Rehab class and begin a daily exercise routine; use your O2 and turn it up to help you keep your O2 sats up when you exercise. Get an oximeter so you can keep track. Nonin makes a very good one for $89 available from Amazon. If that's not affordable, you can buy less expensive ones that aren't medically calibrated at Walmart and Walgreen.
The more I use the inhaler (ventolin ) the more the shakes was told it's the gas inside the ventolin so now I have bought a abdominal breathing exerciser it helps you to deep breath and so cut out using the ventolin so much a I get less shaking I bought the cheapest plastic one just stick it in your mouth and away you go deep breath it has helped me and as a bonus of stops panic attacks for me hope this info helps Dorothy hartlepool UK
I use RxCrossroads Pharmacy for my inhaler (Proventil AER HFA) (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators), at NO COST to me. They should have yours as well hopefully, and its FREE. Your needs to fax a scrip and cover letter to them....your name,dob address. Hope this helps. I too have learning about COPD the hard way too. Too much oxygen is one of worst things, since you can't exhaust all the CO2 that excessive oxygen puts in your body. All that does is to add to a potential panic attack as I have had, from raising the amount of oxygen. NOT GOOD, EVEN WORSE IF YOU HAVE ANXIETY as well. Hope this helps. It's worth the phone call.
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