what are symptoms to look out for?
I have COPD so I am always out of breath.
Thanks 🤝
Pneumonia is the result of a lower lung infection. The mucus builds up more rapidly than normal and prevents the Oxygen exchange in the lungs.
That said, the primary symptom for me was very labored breathing, using the chest and shoulder muscles to help inhale and exhale fully. It is very tiring indeed. Pneumonia also included lots of coughing from the mucus buildup, along with temperature (but not fever) increases. Of course my Oxygen levels were also low - but I didn't have a pulse /oxy meter yet to know at that time! 😉 I'm a lot smarter now.
If you think an infection is starting, get in to see your Doc or the ER if things get bad within a 12-24 hour period. Blood test and some real eyes-on can prevent major damage and an ICU event. Staying hydrated may show small signs of improvement to confirm that a real infection is brewing. Be well.
Fever, cough, fatigue, night sweats, any of those are symptoms of pneumonia.
Mine started when I felt pressure in my lungs
Being short of breath is one symptom but I found out heart problems could be a symptom! I would go see your cardiologist and pulmonologist let them dignose you!
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