What Should I Ask My Pumonologist?
Hi all. I met once with my pulmonologist. On that visit he gave me my diagnosis (Asthma COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS)), prescibed 6 days of prednisone (no fun) and started me on Adavair and singulair. I was in such shock that my brain went bye-bye and I could not think of any questions. I have a check-in coming up and want to be prepared this time. Any suggestions for questions I should ask? Thank you in advance.
ACOS is a fairly new designation and I don't think there is anything right now that's considered "best practice" in the treatment of it. I would suggest that you go to this website and review the information there regarding the syndrome: https://goldcopd.org/asthma-copd-asthma-copd-ov...
GOLD is considered one of the world-wide industry standards, so the information is as close to cutting edge as I think you'll find. The COPD Foundation is another place for good information, though there's not a lot there. I'd also look at the American Thoracic Society's pages for patients.
So questions:
How will I know whether the meds you prescribed for me are doing what we want them to do? How long do I give them to work?
Should I have a rescue inhaler for times when my asthma really kicks up?
What red flags should I look for? I'd like an action plan to take home with me (both the ALA and the COPD Foundation have good ones you can print and take with you).
What things can I do to help myself? Exercise, diet, weight gain or loss, taking meds, getting vaccines (flu, shingles, pneumonia, covid), avoid people with bugs, what do I do when I do get something respiratory?
If I find something that I think might help my situation I'd like to ask you about it; is that ok with you? (if you get a no or iffy answer, I'd really consider finding another pulmo because you want one who will work with you and give you credit for being a knowledgeable patient.) If you get a yes, tell the pulmo that you're looking at GOLD, ATS and the Foundation; where else would s/he suggest because you want good information; not junk.
Good luck!!
There are two pneumonia vaccines. I've had both and just a sore arm for both. No need to be nervous. And the protection is nice to have. While there are over 100 different pneumonias and the vaccines only protect you from about 30 of them, it's still nice to have that much protection.
I have never had the pneumonia vaccine my doctor suggests I take it anyone with copd have a reaction to it I am just nervous about all these vaccine
@A MyCOPDTeam Member - I take 2 Tylenol before shot(s). Helps with any after effects.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member - I had the pnuemonia vaccine and I have COPD. No reaction at all.
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