Poor Circulation , Lack Of Oxygen To Fingers And Toes
Does anyone else get numbness in their fingers and toes, due to lack of oxygen. Or have neuropathy and numbness in their feet. I'm on oxygen and that still happens to me, but I'm also diabetic.
NAC & Beetroot juice.
I get numbness if I stand in one spot for any length of time--like doing dishes or cooking (stirring a pot). I figured that was due to my peripheral artery disease though. We could all be right or we could all be wrong. Who knows? I'd still ask the doc about it though @A MyCOPDTeam Member
Yes. I have numbness in my feet quite a bit. I thought it was due to my back surgery I had last spring but I’m not so sure it’s not COPD. I’m not sure there’s anything we can do about it although exercise probably helps?
@A MyCOPDTeam Member
Around 30 supplements or more and raw garlic, (evoo) extra virgin olive oil, raw unfiltered honey, bee pollen,spirulina smoothies, beet root juice, oregano oil, and too many to list. I'm stll here! But broke all the time. Feeling much better with the high dose GLYNAC now experimenting with as well.
I have problems with my feet and hands, I thought it was from Parkinson's, an dit could be but it also could be from COPD???
Why Am I Always Cold?
I Have A Crackling Sound In My Throat!