Booster Vaccine & Breathing Problems
Good morning All! I was curious if anyone's breathing was temporarily compromised after the COVID booster and the RSV shot. It seems like I had a bit of a reaction w/my breathing but it's been a year almost & I just am not sure. Thanks.
I've had all the Covid boosters and just recently had the RSV vaccine and a flu shot. I had a sore arm but nothing more than that. If you do have a reaction, that's a sign that your immune system is doing what it's supposed to do: protect you from those bugs! Good to know it's working.........
I got the new Covid vaccine (Moderna) and so did my husband. He had a bigger reaction than I did - sore arm, low fever, feeling sick, etc. He went to bed and was better the next day. I had a similar reaction but not as bad. Arm was sore for a few days. The following week he had the new pneumonia vaccine (prevnar20?) and it did not bother him at all. We have to had our flu or RSVP vaccine yet. By the way, the shot did not affect our breathing in any way. Just felt bad.
I had a low grade fever and my shoulder where I got shot was sore .but didn't to bother my COPD.
My breathing has gotten a little worse at times, but other times its normal.
I can't say if my breathing got worse after the Covid booster last year or not. I do know I was real sick that night. Fever of 103, bad chills and my body hurts. Thank God for my daughter, she got me Tylenol, took me off my ventilator ( so maybe my breathing was affected) put me straight on my oxygen and put extra pillows so I could lean back. I felt better real soon and fell right to sleep.
I dread having to go get another Covid booster in a couple weeks. 🥹
I don't know how I will react to the RSV vaccine. It is waiting at the pharmacy for me. Will be my first time getting one.
Does Any One Still Get The Covid Shots. I Read They Have A New One Out Just Checking.
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