Is Anybody Else Having Trouble "oversleeping?" The Cat Gets Me Up At 6:00 To Feed Her, And Then My Bed Looks So Inviting, I
just crawl back in and sleep to 8:00. Since I've lain down at 9:00 the previous evening, I'm starting to feel a little guilty about this (although well-rested!). Here in Costa Rica, the day only lasts between 12 ad 13 hours, so I feel I'm losing half the day already. I've read this is a symptom of advanced COPD. I'd be grateful for any thoughts on this.
Hi All,
Firstly thanks everyone,hope you like my sense of humour.
This is where all the work starts,the choice is your,take it or leave it.
Only 3 pivotal points to Buteyko Breathing.
1) 🏌🏿♂️Nose breathing all the time.
Day and night.
Septum problems see Medical help.
Use microphone tape if your have.
Can have chin support if allergies.
We all have to breath.So for every body it doesn’t matter how sick or copd stages you have.🫁🫁.
Shop on Amazon.🐕🦺🐕🦺🐕🦺
2). Build up of carbon dioxide by move movement.May be not for every body so go gentle.
Walking with nose breathing.
Playing golf with nose breathing.Do 2 or 3 holes first and gradually build it up.
Swimming very good for copd sufferers.
At least 10 minutes six times a day.can vary but results be slow.
Reduce breathing by relaxing,meditation,belly breathing.
3) 🌈 Diet.Digestion increases breathing,So small meals,no dairy products,chocolate,processed food.Heavy to digest food.Fresh fruit,more veggies,water.No red wine.All booze increases breathing rate.
Again for every body.may vary,use vitamins,
That’s all folk,I am hear to hold you hand and good luck.
The most important point is do it with your medical team.My gp and nurses very good always supportive.I have emergency medical pack, like blue inhaler,steroids,antibiotics ,nubs. etc.
Always take your medication,gradually your will reduce your medication but talk with your medical team.
If medical team disagree,change it ,your right.
Do your research,all drugs have ups and downs.This is drug free.
Lots of savings for NHS,more pocket money etc.
Book to go with all this,
🥹Shut your mouth 🥹by
Patrick McKeown.
I have said enough,choice is yours.
Sands,Alice and Dana3,
Hi friends,Romans and Country girls,lend me your noses.
Nose is breathing and mouth for eating.
Margret Thatcher only needed 4 hours of sleep,so Buteykoclinic Motta is,
Sleep less,eat less and work hard a path way to long life.All based on breathing through the nose and less.
Sleeping position matters as well for copd sufferers,on the back is worse because it encourages to over breath,there is no resistance,best position is on the tummy or left and then right.
Dana3 ,your young,so be own advocate do you research into Buteyko Breathing but what I would encourage you to,nose breathe,gentle walks with mouth closed and intermittent fasting and your lung function will improve and your blood pressure will come down .Gradually you will require less medication.
Nose breathe,gentle exercise and diet is all that’s involved with Buteyko Breathing all based on not over breathing.
For all organs in the body,breath less to oxygenate and function properly,not to over breath.
But above medical advice and complimentary medication works best.
Kish Tura.
I have that problem at times. It seems that I get my best sleep when I am supposed to be elsewhere.
Sleeping more can mean that you're doing more and it takes more energy to do that. If that's the case, I wouldn't worry too much about that and be glad your sleep is solid and unbroken. Sleeping a lot can also be a sign of depression, so you do need to consider that. Generally most of us do pretty well on 8 hours of sleep. I like to read in bed, so sometimes I actually get in bed well before I go to sleep, but I'm reading. You just need to look at what you're doing and be sure that it's reasonable and that you're getting enough sleep.
Hi Sandra and Alice,,
As a suffer of copd,the mind wonders and to quieten the mind you meditate,for 10 minutes.Do this for 6 times a day but with sitting up position,perfect posture,nose breathing and use the diaphragm to quieten the breathing.
You will have more energy,positive minded,wanting to get up and go.
One of the gentle Buteykoclinic exercises.
Keep at it ladies , doing wonderful job.
Kish Tura.
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