Do You Have Tips (or Life-hacks) On How To Remember To Take Your Meds?
I have 4 weekly medication boxes that I fill when I get my meds and I am good to go for 1 month. The box I have allows me to remove one day's supply to take with me when I am on the go.... I keep it and my inhalers in a zip top baggie that I just pick up on my way out of the door. I also keep 1 day's supply in my car for emergency use. I replace it about every 3 months. Hope this helps someone.
I set the alarm on my iPhone. I also use the Health app on my iPhone to keep track of how often and when I use my rescue inhaler. It also has a Medical ID section which lists medical issues, insurance, allergies, medications including dosages and emergency contacts. This operates like a medic alert bracelet. It can be accessed without a password. Very useful in an emergency if patient is unconscious or in any other way unable to communicate.
It is a concern that when we have a lot of regular meds to fit into a day and then temporary ones too, we can get mixed up. I've got it wrong sometimes which is why I'm now quite regimental in how I manage them.
Something I find very annoying and confusing is that when I collect my meds from the pharmacy, the pills may be in a completely different format ie the drug and dosage are correct but may be from a different manufacturer so boxes look quite different (eg Montelukast may come in a tub or blister pack) and the pills may be a different shape or colour.
I'm still pretty savvy but I wonder how people cope with this if they are struggling to keep a handle on it all.
Thank you for the info but my wife dishes out my pills for me night and morning , don't know what I would do with out her . Breathe easy
IF you check with your pharmacy you will find they will make up a card of pils you are taking on a card for you to take each day of the week for a month at a no cost .I am doing this now and i have no trouble. Breathe easy and sleep well.
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