Air Starvation/Recovery When Around People - I Avoid It
I’m in a situation of severe shortness of breath right now after walking 30+ feet and it takes some time to recover and it’s pretty rough. I’m getting ready to sell furniture out of our garage and I dread having someone watch me as I try to get my breath back after walking around
Three or four years ago I was in a different copd group. There was a discussion about wearing O2 in public. I said that I’m embarrassed and uncomfortable about that. A woman responded that I’m vain and vanity is a sin… read more
I JUST started wearing my oxygen this past weekend to the grocery store. No one looked at me or made any comments. I forgot I had it on. I could breathe and that's all I cared about really. Just stay strong. Only if others could walk a mile in our shoes they may realize what we go through. But honestly, their opinions don't really matter. Whether you can breathe or not is what matters. Take good care
I vote Airhead, @A MyCOPDTeam Member.
Keep the portable oxygen nearby, walk while practicing pursed lip breathing to see if it helps you, and then sit by the portable unit and take “swigs” if you can’t bring yourself to actually wear it.
If anybody asks, tell them oxygen huffing is the newest cool kid activity, LOL.
Keep trying to use it in public. Change is hard, and may take some practice until you feel more comfortable. Hugs.
Thursday, 03-AUG-23
Luckily I'm not on oxygen yet but know I'll need it sooner or later. I wouldn't care what other people say or how they look at me. Look at how many people use walkers and scooters and no one comments on that. How people react doesn't bother me, that's their problem. WallyMac
Here is my mini-missive of the day:
Mind over matter.
I don't mind and
They don't matter.
The only ones who matter are your people.
My heart goes out to you. It is a shame that we live among folk who have such a lack of understanding and exhibit such callous disregard pertaining to things they cannot understand. Many who are blessed with health and strength have no clue about things they take for granted. Dont let fools like them get you down. I know its tough to endure the suffering but we must. May GOD keep us in HIS tender care until our change comes.
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