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If My Resting Level On 02 Is Good, Can I Assume The Same 02 When I Sleep Will Be Okay?

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Manteca, CA

I have been assuming this is the case but I sometimes feel I a little out of it first thing when I get up, scattered or forgetting things that improves in a short time. Might I need more 02 at night? Does anyone have a fitness tracker that didn't cost a lot that will monitor it, but also counts steps and a few more fitness things? About $50 or less?

June 27, 2023
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

I have tried 4 fitness watches and they are not accurate for 02 sats. Keep a pulse oximeter by the bed and check whenever you wake during the night.

July 4, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Hi, @A MyCOPDTeam Member, you shouldn’t be changing your oxygen flow settings without clearing it with your respiratory therapist or pulmonologist, as you could actually make it harder for you to breathe over time as you can ‘harden’ your lungs, making them less responsive and increasing your C02, creating a vicious cycle.



Not all COPDers respond the same way to supplemental oxygen, so our settings are irrelevant to your situation as you may have different needs and triggers for overnight oxygen.

In my case, I found raising the head of my bed about 4” so that I slept on a slant actually helped me more than supplemental oxygen did for night time ease of breathing while sleeping.

One more for sleep hygiene to avoid hypoxemia:

Good luck and Happy Thursday, 29-JUN-23

June 29, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

No. It does not mean the same O2 levels. I had an overnight oximetry study the Dr ordered. [its done at home] The Dr found out I stop breathing several times overnight. He put me on night time oxygen.
You need to tell your Dr how your feeling in the mornings.

June 28, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I would not make the assumption that because your 02 sats are good during the day that they will be good at night. One thing we do know is that most people breathe more shallowly asleep than awake. For people with no lung disease, this means that their awake 02 sats are probably 95+ and their asleep sats maybe 92. For us with COPD, it almost certainly means sats under 90 and probably under 88 because we start out lower than most normal people. But DSH is absolutely right: have a sleep study ordered by your doc. The other thing you can do is have an overnight oximetry study. That's simpler and definitely less expensive!

June 27, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Sadly, no fitness trackers are cheap. I bought an FDA approved continuous oxygen saturation monitor ring by Wellue, and with that data shared with my doc, I was able to figure out that my automatic breathing responses dropped very low while sleeping, and while it wasn’t a sleep apnea problem, it was absolutely a hypoxia problem. This ring is about $152 on sale, $179 list price.

I like it because it will track 10 hours at a time, and the reports are able to be downloaded and emailed to my doc, @A MyCOPDTeam Member. Good luck !

Tuesday night, 27-JUN-23

June 27, 2023

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