How Does One Determine The Level Of 02? All I Hear Is "turn It Up."
However, since I began doing breathing exercises in 2018, I have found that I seem to do better if I take my 02 off while doing breathing exercises and when I go for walks with my walker outside (I generally walk about a mile and it takes me close to two hours), I find that if I put my 02 at "1" it works better for me. I walk until my 02 dips below 85, then I sit down and let my numbers (pulse and 02) adjust. I have a great deal of problem digesting food, and usually I get horizontal after… read more
I have had healthcare in nine different countries. The medical industry in the United States is a crime that employs 20 percent of the work force and outcomes that hover around 47th in the world. This cannot possibly change until we break the system and get the insurance companies out of it.
What I have learned since returning to the states in 2015 is the only thing that is vital to the medical industry are the billable hours, and most doctors have to have to people just to deal with the insurance companies. That is the reality.
Your doctor determines what your oxygen level should be. They use the PFT to determine how your body is using room air. Ask you doctor what it should be at. too much can cause harm to the lungs, too little cause harm to your internal organs.
Chris: I have been dealing with this for ten years. I am 77 years old. I have watched three people die ( of this disease, which only became a disease in 1987) because of medical advice ages 71, 67 and 67. Did you know that medical schools now have charm classes -- look it up in American Sickness by Elizabeth Rosenthal, and while you are at it read Steven Brill's "Bitter Pill." The medical industry is about money and nothing but money. The next time you walk into a medical facility, look about you and count the number of medically-trained staff and the number of people who have "support" jobs. My attitude has nothing to do with the medical/insurance industry -- and you don't see it it other countries. I have had good doctors in Nigeria, China, Thailand, England, Spain, France, Ecuador and Mexico to compare with what I have found here.
I am really happy you have a good attitude.
Chris: I have been dealing with this for ten years. I am 77 years old. I have watched three people die ( of this disease, which only became a disease in 1987) because of medical advice ages 71, 67 and 67. Did you know that medical schools now have charm classes -- look it up in American Sickness by Elizabeth Rosenthal, and while you are at it read Steven Brill's "Bitter Pill." The medical industry is about money and nothing but money. The next time you walk into a medical facility, look about you and count the number of medically-trained staff and the number of people who have "support" jobs. My attitude has nothing to do with the medical/insurance industry -- and you don't see it it other countries. I have had good doctors in Nigeria, China, Thailand, England, Spain, France, Ecuador and Mexico to compare with what I have found here.
I am really happy you have a good attitude.
How Do You Explain To People That Even With Oxygen You Still Get Short Og Breath I'm On 02 And I Get Out Of Breathe Walking Across The
For Anyone Using A Pulse Dose Portable 02 Concentrator...