I Have Emphysema. Why Am I Breathless Even Though My Blood Oxygen Levels Are Normal?
I don't understand why I am breathless even though my blood oxygen levels are in the normal range. Even doing minor activities while using an oxygen concentrator I am fighting to breathe.
Elke, what you're describing is pursed lip breathing and it is a good technique to increase the volume you can exhale. It's weird to realize that if you have COPD, exhaling is way more important than inhaling.
You can also get breathless because you are not expelling the used oxygen from your lungs. Try taking a breath and then blow out the breath forcefully, that usually helps.
Shortness of breath (that SoB) can also be caused by other things like heart conditions and some Meds as well. But being at home is the safest place when it happens, indeed. All of your "people" supports and rescue meds are there if you over do it. You can always take a pause and recover too. Nobody judges you for increasing your breathing BEFORE you race from the couch to the Bathroom.
Just for exercise, I carry a water-filled milk jug around the house - along with strong breathing exercises - to increase my breathing endurance. That way when I venture outside it is easier to judge my tolerance level and correct for the Weather and all other unknowns in your path. Like the checkout line at Walmart. And the huge parking lot.
As long as your 02 saturation levels are good, just keep going for as long as you can. You'll increase your tolerance for being sob and you won't do any harm to yourself. You'll just be uncomfortable.
I get out of breath too trying to vacum I sit down for 5 minutes then I can start again for 5. a nao in the afternoon helps. Im on a inavasive ventilater at night now, which really helps.
How Do I Get So Breathless Just Going One End Of Bungalow And When My Oxygen Levels Taken They Are Okay I Have Severe Emphasemia
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