Hugs And Likes Are Great - Thanks -but A Distraction As My First Of Many Post To Concentrate On. Each Will Have Their Own Post.
1. I am totally cancer free and a life long (still 10 a day smoker of non-filters). Is anyone else still a smoker, light or heavy ? Your thoughts on the heat keeping congestion less sticky ?
Been quit for over 30 years. If you continue to smoke, things will continue (very slowly) to deteriorate. Not a nice way to go and very yourself a favor and quit now. Just sayin'.........
I’m on stage 3, I quit smoking 23 years ago I tried the chewing gum, the patches I charted myself see where during the day I smoked most I cut out a cig at that time saved money for each 20 I did not smoke but in the end that paid for me to use hypnosis which I’m so glad I used it. It worked for me I’m still not smoking.
I quit 24 years ago, I was 40 and diagnosed with copd at that time and I have stage 4 copd now, I know 100% I would not have made it this far if I continued to smoke, please i plead to u to stop now!!!!!!!
I quit smoking 13 years ago and am still can’t believe that I did this to my body.
You need to quit asap, you can do it!!!
What Can We Do To Keep Teammates Interested In The COPD Site And It Goals?
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