Does Anyone's Oxygen Plummet With Anxiety Or Even Drop Quickly Just Even Walking Around?
When I get anxious I go right into bad habit of breathing which lowers the amount of oxygen I am getting. Even just anxious thoughts will as well. I think my COPD has gotten a lot worse in the last year. The anxiety is about real things and the cycle of breathing causes anxiety and then my oxygen is low which causes me to feel more anxiety and is a cycle they see no way out of for me.
Anxiety can make breathing much more difficult, so if you are anxious that can make breathing that much harder. I'm a firm believer in good therapy and I always suggest that you find a good therapist who is familiar with anxiety and who can work with you to find things that allow you to manage and control your anxiety.
Like many of you, I don't use O2 when I'm seated, but as soon as I get up, my sats go way low if I don't use my 02. By the way, you mouth breathers are just fine; it doesn't matter how you inhale, but you need to exhale using pursed lips. For those of us with COPD, the inhale is not the issue, it's the exhale that's important, because we need to get rid of as much stale are as we can.
If I am out visiting or at an event and I sit for a while, I can take my O2 off for a little while without any problem. Have to use it when I am getting up, walking or anything else physical. That's just how it is now and I can and have to live with it. It sure beats the alternative!
I am so glad I posted this it is huge for me and I hope a lot of other people here, and is the worst and scariest part of COPD for me. Jean's advice and info are always reliable and often she even provides a link to help us help ourselves. Q and A will always be my favorite and I hope @A MyCOPDTeam Member has seen this as well. Thanks for all the support and replies.
Eleanor, I know just how that feels, especially out in public and had people ask if I was okay or needed water and even if I needed them to call 911. What can happen is if you learn the best breathing techniques and make them work for you it can help. I am almost 74 and just attempting pulmonary rehab because my breathing is a habit and not good for anyone because it can happen to me even on oxygen. Just do your best, I try to go places when they are the least busy. Your word is exactly right...we lose control and that's really scary. Maybe someone else will jump in with more helpful advice.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member oh ya mine goes through the floor just standing up but then functionality is my main problem but I managed to walk a block last night wont say how it fealt but I did it lol
I Am On Oxygen 24/7 Why Does My Oxygen Levels Drop When I Am Walking?
Hi All. I Will Soon Have To Go On Oxygen While Exercising. Will This Effect My Breathing When I'm Not Exercising And Not Using Oxygen?
I Can't Seem To Get The Right Amount Of Oxygen Either Too High Or Too Low, What Can I Do