How Do You Handle A Dentist Visit On Oxygen?
You will rest your O2 on the floor or in your lap. If you have had poor reactions to the sedative or antibiotics before, you should discuss this with your GP or Lung doctor first. They may be asked to give OK for your dental treatment plan. You and the dentist will agree on a 'Signal' if you feel overwhelmed during the process and need to take a Breathing break. They should understand; it's not their first Rodeo.
My Dentist has oxygen in the Office that they put on Me---you might ask if they have it there---
If it's routine care (cleaning, fillings, etc) Rolland is right. If you're having something more done that requires a different venue or more than Novocain, you probably need to discuss the specific procedure with your dentist or oral surgeon and make a plan.
Since the oxygen goes into your nose and not your mouth, @A MyCOPDTeam Member, it shouldn’t be an issue
How Does One Handle Going To Dentist? Like For Extractions And Implants?
Has Anyone Had Dental Work Done While Wearing Oxygen?
Oxygen & Showering + 2nd ?