Has Anyone Heard Of Spirovital Therapy, What Does It Do And Is It Any Good? My Pulmonologist Has Never Heard Of It.
Spirovital therapy is the "product" of an air-treating machine sold by Spirovital and is supposed to cure everything from COPD to glaucoma and asthma to zoo fleas. It's a mechanical version of snake oil. While it probably won't hurt you, it also won't do you any good. Your doc hasn't heard of it because it doesn't work. Don't waste his time or your money.
I have a machine called The Dream Station, much nicer than the big old bulky one. The little machine sits on my night stand, My face is encircled in a soft rubbery clear material with a piece that fits right under my nostrils. So much better than the original thing I had. IT is not uncomfortable and it is so easay to use.
Thank you, I thought that it was to good to be true!
Has Anyone Used Spirovital Therapy And Is It Any Good
Has Anyone Developed Heart Issues From Your COPD?