Is There A Risk Or Concern To Having Surgery With COPD?
The risk that most people consider for surgery is being ventilated for surgery and coming off the vent once the surgery's over. That means that you relaly need to talk with the anesthesiologist, because that's the doc who will be monitoring you and keeping track of your breathing through surgery. If the anesthesiologist knows what they're doing and have lots of experience working with people with COPD, you should be good to go. There are alternatives to consider as well, so be sure you talk about all the possibilities and choose which one you want with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist.
Talking with your pulmo is fine and your PCP. but you're the one having the surgery and you decide what procedures to have done and under what circumstances.
My pulmonary dr says I should not have surgery unless. Its. Approved by him he doesn't ever suggest a colonospcy unless I use my ASV ... type of bi pap ...
Always check with your Doctor. My primary care Dr. always pre approved any surgery that I have needed, other than outpatient local anesthesia procedures.
Has Anyone Ever Used A Product Called BROVANA . It Is A Med That Is Used In A Nebulizer For Treatment Of People With Emphysema.
Severe COPD/emphysema And General Anesthesia ?
I Have To Have A D & C Under General Anesthesia. I Am Worried Not Only About The Procedure But Recovery.